We have not shared our usage statistics in quite some time, so here is some information about use of the Roman de la Rose Digital Library for the period January 1, 2012-December 31, 2012:
23,478 visits from 126 countries or territories
The top five countries represented (in order): United States, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Germany
14,707 absolute unique visitors
39% of these visitors have returned to the site
769 of these visitors have used the site 9-14 times
728 of these visitors have used the site 15-25 times
688 of these visitors have used the site 26-50 times
771 of these visitors have used the site 51-100 times
684 of these visitors have used the site 101-200 times
629 of these visitors have used the site more than 200 times
1,777 of these visits lasted between 10 and 30 minutes
1,298 of these visits lasted longer than 30 minutes
Since the launch of the site in September 2008 through December 31, 2012, the Rose team has noted the following usage statistics:
87,522 visits from 161 countries or territories
The top five countries represented (in order): United States, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain
57,202 absolute unique visitors
35% of these visitors have returned to the site
2,729 of these visitors have used the site 9-14 times
2,464 of these visitors have used the site 15-25 times
2,328 of these visitors have used the site 26-50 times
2,148 of these visitors have used the site 51-100 times
1,881 of these visitors have used the site 101-200 times
2,366 of these visitors have used the site more than 200 times
6,493 of these visits lasted between 10 and 30 minutes
4,762of these visits lasted longer than 30 minutes
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